Q&A: I don’t have time to study… can Coachical help?

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If you’re looking to be more successful at work, get your next promotion or land your dream job, you may need to develop some new business skills.

But how can you ever find time to attend a course or do a distance learning programme.

Coachical is here to help.

The learning materials on Coachical are broken down into bitesize pieces, that you can fit around daily life.

You may not have several hours to research and write an essay or a full day to attend a workshop… but we’re guessing you could find a few minutes to watch a quick video.

On Coachical you can simply explore a few minutes of learning each day. You can check into Coachical on your train ride into work, as you wait for a colleague to start your next meeting or as you wait for the kettle to boil.

And don’t worry about getting lost in our library. Your virtual robo-coach is always on hand to keep you on track and suggest the right video, read, or infographic for the next stage of your learning journey.

Begin your journey today and learn the skills you need, at a time that suits you.

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